Tutoring, Test Prep, and Coaching Pricing
We use a tiered pricing system for our tutoring, test prep, and coaching services:
The first 5 hours of tutoring, test prep, and/or coaching are $120/hour.
The next 5 hours of tutoring, test prep, and/or coaching are $90/hour.
After 10 hours, ongoing tutoring, test prep, and/or coaching is $75/hour.
If pricing is prohibitive, please contact us to discuss other options.
Homeschool Courses Pricing
Homeschool courses with Amy have a non-refundable registration fee in addition to tuition. The registration fee should accompany the registration form after the student has been accepted into the class. Acceptance is based on a brief, informal phone interview or email exchange between Amy Ruff and a parent of the prospective student to determine if the class is a good match academically.
Tuition for courses is annual and may be paid as half in August and half in January.
The registration fee and tuition for each course is listed on the course schedule.
Contact Us
Please bear with us. It may take us a little longer than usual to get back to you at this time. We would love to hear from you and will respond as soon as we are able. Thank you for your patience.